Get Involved in a study
"Yes! I am interested in participating in kidney research."
Your chance to make a difference starts now. Join the KRI Registry.
Complete our 12-minute questionnaire about your kidney health, other health conditions, and medications you take. Once you submit your responses, that’s it!
Involucrarse en la investigacion
"¡Sí! Estoy interesado en participar en la investigación sobre el riñón".
Tu oportunidad de marcar una diferencia comienza ahora. Únete al Registro KRI.
Complete nuestro cuestionario de 12 minutos sobre su salud renal, otras afecciones de salud y los medicamentos que toma. Una vez que envíe sus respuestas, ¡eso es todo!
KRI Registry
The KRI Registry is a directory the KRI accesses to recruit people for our many exciting studies. To join the registry for our future studies, click the button below and complete a brief questionnaire letting us know you want to be involved.
Our study team will try to match you with one of our existing studies that is currently recruiting. If you qualify, our team will contact you about the study. You are not obligated to participate in any study.
Why participate in research?
Research is the primary means by which medicine advances. Research helps us optimize patient care, create new medicines and devices, and make exciting advances toward prevention and cures. Participating in research today could make a huge difference in countless lives tomorrow.
Research is not possible without volunteers like you!
¡La investigación no es posible sin voluntarios como tú!
What we do
Our research team at the Kidney Research Institute studies many aspects of kidney diseases, including metabolism, genetics, and medications. Our studies try to determine the causes, diagnoses, and treatments of many kidney diseases, including dialysis. The following examples are just a few of our ongoing studies:
- Using specialized monitoring to determine how much blood sugars vary in people who have diabetes and kidney disease
- Measuring muscle functions to investigate reasons why chronic kidney disease leads to muscle loss
- Developing new tests to help guide medication dosing for people who have lower kidney function
- Comparing different treatments to improve low mood in dialysis patients.
How does it work?
Our research team will assess your registry answers and try to best match you with one of our existing studies that is currently recruiting.
If you qualify for a study, our team will contact you to tell you more about it.
You might not be a match for any study now, but we will keep your information and consider you for our many planned future studies.
You are not obligated to participate in any study. You may withdraw from the registry at any time.
Contact - Contacto
Kidney Research Institute
908 Jefferson St
Office: 3NJ350
Seattle, WA, 98104
Phone: 206-616-8574
Fax: 206-685-9399