Joe's Story - Taking Action with Kidney Disease



A young man finds out that he has Chronic Kidney Disease and decides to have kidney transplant surgery. Read Joe's Story in English and Spanish.

Joe's Story book cover
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Joe's Story - Taking Action with Kidney Disease

Joe's Story comic book coverChronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a major health issue in America. African Americans are four times as likely to have CKD. 30% of people waiting for a kidney transplant are African American. This is the story of one young man who finds out he has Chronic Kidney Disease and decides to have kidney transplant surgery. We hope reading JOE’S STORY will help you learn more about kidneys and CKD, and inspire you to TAKE ACTION with KIDNEY DISEASE.


La Historia De Joe - Es HORA DE ACTUAR frente a la enfermedad renal

Joe's Story comic book cover - SpanishLa Enfermedad Renal Crónica (ERC) es un problema de salud grave en Estados Unidos. Los afroamericanos son cuatro veces más propensos a tener ERC. El 30 % de las personas que esperan un trasplante de riñón son afroamericanas. Esta es la historia de un joven que descubre que tiene una enfermedad renal crónica y decide someterse a una cirugía de trasplante de riñón. Esperamos que la HISTORIA DE JOE te ayude a entender más sobre los riñones y la ERC, y te inspire a ACTUAR frente a la ENFERMEDAD RENAL.