ROKIT: Role of Kidney Tubular Secretion in Critical Illness
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What is the study?
This study, conducted in partnership with Vanderbilt University, seeks to identify new methods of measuring kidney function in critically ill adults. The study will evaluate the secretory function of the kidney proximal tubules using novel methods and determine associations with prognosis and kidney drug dosing.
The study is trying to find out the best way to measure people’s kidney function in the ICU. Currently, doctors use a blood test called creatinine to check on kidney health. This test may not be accurate because of the way the kidneys respond to injury. We have invented a new test for measuring kidney function based on blood and urine samples. We think this test will be a better way to monitor kidney function in the hospital.
This study will gather information about participants and is not a treatment study.
The study aims to develop novel assays to assess and monitor kidney function in the hospital. From the information that we learn, we hope to improve how kidney function is measured in the future so that we can give the right doses of medications and treat kidney injury earlier.