Scientific Advisory Committee
By providing programmatic guidance and scientific advice to the KRI, the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) ensures that the best science is utilized to accomplish our mission and vision.
The SAC is comprised of leading experts in biomedical research and nephrology. The committee continually evaluates scientific themes and progress and alerts KRI leadership to new, developing research opportunities.

Learn about our current Scientific Advisory Committee Members

We thank our former SAC members for their commitment to our mission and dedication to helping people live better lives with kidney disease.
Patient Advisory Committee
The Patient Advisory Committee (PAC) consists of local and national community members who represent a variety of backgrounds, experiences with kidney disease, interests, ethnicities, genders, and ages. As advocates for kidney research and patient care, the PAC continuously provides productive feedback to investigators and other nephrology professionals to improve the communication between patients and doctors.
Each year, the KRI hosts an all-day meeting, inviting doctors, researchers, and other medical professionals within the UW Medicine community to report and discuss their findings, progress, and goals for kidney research. The objective of the annual Patient Advisory Committee meeting is to enable our patient advisors to share their perspectives and experiences with the KRI staff to help improve the functionality of innovations currently developed by faculty within the Division of Nephrology and to enhance the overall patient experience.

Learn about our current Patient Advisory Committee Members