PEOPLE > Irl B. Hirsch, M.D.
Irl B. Hirsch, M.D.
Medical Director, Diabetes Care Center,
Professor of Medicine, Diabetes Treatment and Teaching Chair
Endocrine and Diabetes Care Center
4245 Roosevelt Way NE, 3rd Floor
Box 354691
Seattle, WA 98105
Education and Training
1980 B.A. Biology
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
1984 M.D.
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
1984-1985 Straight Medicine Internship
University of Miami Hospital
Miami, Florida
1985-1987 Internal Medicine Residency
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Miami Beach, Florida
1987-1990 Metabolism and Endocrinology Fellowship
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri
Research Interests
Primary areas of interest include new technologies for the treatment of diabetes, particularly those involved in the use of insulin therapy and the mechanisms of insulin co-modulating inflammation with glucose and its impact on improvements in outcomes, particularly of hospitalized patients. The management of hyperglycemia in the hospital has been a priority for Dr. Hirsch for over 25 years. He has been involved in numerous major clinical research trials, including the DCCT, ACCORD, STAR-1, JDRF Sensor Trial, SEARCH, ORIGIN, ADAG and many more particularly involved with insulin therapy. He continually investigates the use of computers in diabetes data management, recognizing how pattern recognition can be used to improve diabetes control in addition to how glycemic variability noted on glucose meter downloads may be an independent risk for microvascular complications. These ideas have led to successful funding of FLAT-SUGAR (FLuctuAtion reducTion with inSUlin and Glp-1 Added togetheR) which was completed in 2014.