PEOPLE > Edward J. Kelly, Ph.D.

Edward J. Kelly, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics

Department of Pharmaceutics
University of Washington
1959 NE Pacific St,
HSB Rm H272,
Box 357610
Seattle, WA 98195

P: 206-685-4641

F: 206-543-3204


Education and Training

University of California, Riverside (BS), Biochemistry

University of California, Riverside (MS), Biochemistry

University of Washington (PhD), Biochemistry

University of Washington, Fellowship in Toxicology

Research Interests

My lab works on developing novel preclinical models to study normal human physiology and disease states, with a particular focus on cytochrome P450 enzymes and their role in endobiotic/xenobiotic metabolism. Specific areas include the heritable ocular disease, Bietti’s Crystalline Dystrophy, derivation of functionally competent cell types from human pluripotent stem cells and development of a human kidney microphysiological system or “organ-on-a-chip”.


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